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10 Reasons to replace your actual piping flow analysis tool with PASS/Hydrosystem

Introduction – Your actual piping analysis tool Five years ago, perhaps ten years ago or perhaps twenty-five years ago, you purchase a piping analysis tool. At this time, you considered…
Webinar : What is new in PASS/Equip 3.7?

Fluids & Co and PASS Team invites piping, mechanical, and pressure vessel engineers, along with strength analysis specialists, to an overview webinar on PASS/Equip. Discover the latest updates in version…
Webinar : Easy to use software for comprehensive junction analysis

Fluids & Co and PASS Team invites piping, mechanical, and pressure vessel engineers, along with strength analysis specialists, to an overview webinar on PASS/Nozzle-FEM. Discover its core features and the…
Designing Industrial and Civil Plants: Differences and Mistakes to Avoid

In this article, we summarize the main differences between designing industrial plants compared to civil ones. Their distinct characteristics, functionalities, and purposes, along with the larger scale and higher power…
PASS/EQUIP 3.7 released

PASS Team Announces Release of PASS/EQUIP 3.7 PASS Team has recently released a new software version of PASS/EQUIP, comprehensive software for pressure vessels analysis and design. The new software version contains…
New Pass Licensing System

Transition to a New Licensing System PASS Team is initiating the transition of its software to a new licensing and anti-piracy protection system. This new system will significantly enhance the…