It is difficult to compare the prices of such software, they have a lot of options to follow the needs of the users. We will present how each editor is sellin its sofware and to give an order of magnitude, we would mention the price of the minimum option (as an annual license) and the full complete version (as a perpetual license).
FloMASTER offers three base applications: FloMASTER Fluid Systems, FloMASTER Fluid Systems Dynamic, and FloMASTER Fluid Systems Ultra.
High accuracy fluid system tool with low cost of ownership, combining high usability with a professionally maintained code-base. Allows users to analyse complex fluid systems (liquids and gases) in order to size components, model pressure drops, simulate heat transfer within and to/from the fluid and carry out parametric studies on different design variables. Script based models are also supported to allow users to easily create components based on proprietary IP.
Dynamic. Builds on the Fluid System module with an industry proven and respected rapid transient solver. The tool of choice for applications ranging from aircraft fuel system mission profiles to power station cooling network shut downs and component failures.
Ultra. High value ‘bundle’ which enhances the Fluid Systems Dynamic application with our powerful Vapor Cycle and model-based-design (1D3D CAD Import, 1D3D Simulation and Co-Simulation) options.
Minimum Flomaster annual license is starting at 5 000 US$ and the complete perpetual license price is around 100 000 US$

Flownex is sold on a module basis, the table below will highlight the capabilities in thermal-fluid system simulation and give an overview of the module structure. Basic thermal-fluid module is required to run Flownex; all other modules are optional.
Minimum Flownex annual license is starting at 5 000 US$ and the complete perpetual license price is around 100 000 US$

Hydrosystem can be delivered in different configurations to evaluate the piping pressure and thermal effects.
Hydrosystem Pressure provides simulation and sizing of any piping network for pressure effects related to single phase steady state flow conditions.
Hydrosystem Pressure&Heat provides simulation and sizing of any piping network for single phase steady state flow and thermal conditions.
The Multiphase module provides analysis of multi-phase flow in piping systems. The Surge module provides analysis of liquid transient flow in piping systems. The Solid Phase module provides analysis of settling slurry flow.
Hydrosystem Complete provides comprehensive hydraulic and thermal analysis and related sizing calculations for piping systems of any complexity.
Minimum Hydrosystem annual license is starting at 1 000 US$ and the complete perpetual license price is 10 000 US$
Each situation is different
The needs of your company are not necessarily the same as another society, they may also have changed with years.
Do not hesitate to contact Fluids & Co to have a personalized study of your project.