SCAD SOFT is an independent software provider, specialized in Finite Elements Analysis of structures for civil and industrial engineering. It is based in Kiev, Ukraine
The company was founded in 1994, and currently is one of leading Ukraine and ex-USSR software market of FE programs for analysis of buildings and structures for civil and industrial engineering. The main product of the company is Integrated Software System SCAD Office. The system includes a high-performance software SCAD++ and number of design and auxiliary programs that enable to comprehensively solve the problems of analysis and design of steel, concrete, timber, and masonry structures. We are constantly developing the system, improving the user interface, enhancing the capabilities and adding new design modules.
The graphical environment for creating a design model and analyzing the results provides unlimited capabilities of modeling structures as well as import models created by REVIT, TEKLA, ArchiCAD, HyperSteel and some other BIM and CAD systems.
Fluids & Co is official reseller of SCAD SOFT’s products in Europe and North America.