Fluids & Co and PASS Team are pleased to announce release of a new PASS/Nozzle-FEM version, comprehensive engineering software for stresses and flexibility calculation of nozzle-to-shell junctions using the Finite Element Method.
The new software version significantly expands the program capabilities:
1. The ability to add and analyze multiple nozzles or structure attachments on shell, head or bend has been implemented.
2. The new separate types “Plate” and “Two plates” of the structure attachment have been added.
3. The ability to preview the model with loads and boundary conditions, as well as launch the post-processor from the user interface (UI) has been added.
4. Stress analysis has been updated for ASME BPVC.VIII-2021 and EN 13445-3:2021 codes.
5. Licensing system has been updated:
- Remote internet licenses are added along with traditional local and network dongles.
- The list of supported hardware protection dongles (Sentinel HL, Guardant) has been updated. Modern dongles formats are supported.
- The automatic software update system has been improved to include automatic update of a hardware dongle.
Visit Knowledge Base to get more information about the new licensing system.
To learn more about PASS/NOZZLE-FEM 3.5 capabilities, please check out PASS/NOZZLE-FEM Update History.
We recommend all users with active Maintenance Support to download the new software version.