Leader for Sales Software in the Pump Industry
Spaix 5 is the latest development for the computer supported selection and configuration of centrifugal pumps by VSX – VOGEL SOFTWARE. The extensive program, with which almost every design and construction variation can be displayed, reflects the companies nearly 25 years of experience in the implementation of such solutions. The new version particularly shines when it comes to its intuitive operating concept as well as the increased performance and offers a wide range of additional functionalities. With its integrated price calculation as well as offer and project functionalities, the software serves as a central part of the sales process.
Spaix 5 has been especially designed to meet the requirements of modern IT environments. Internet security and flexible authorization models once more played an important role in the development process.
Multi-Platform Design
When it comes to data access and work on inquires and offers, the unique multi-platform design offers the ideal solution for various situations. The web-based version for internet and intranet services and the desktop-based version for Windows operating systems are supplemented by a version which has been optimized for the use on mobile devices. This concept as a whole is unique on the market.

The application uses the same database on all available platforms. Thanks to the intelligent database system, all product-specific data can be visualized and used for the sales process. It is also possible to integrate Spaix without a personalized interface in web shops and confi gurati on programs, via corresponding interfaces.
Many ways lead to the right pump
Users can choose between the hydraulic selection, the direct product selection and optionally the search for the article number or the description. New in Spaix 5 is the QuickSearch, right on the main screen, which enables users to find the right pumps faster. The already fast selection process, streamlined by the pump selection and configuration, is even more accelerated.
A few steps without an extensive query dialog lead to a qualified duty point-based pump selection. Your sales specialists will enjoy spending their saved time with their costumers just as much as all other users, who simply reach their goal faster.
Detailed configuration with many extension possibilities
Unique in Spaix is the combination of PumpSelector and PumpConfigurator. As a result, users always have a complete overview of the various options of all pumps that match the operating data, and are able to reach their target faster with fewer steps. The effect of the selected components on the pump curves is immediately visualized, without having to switch between different windows. In the same way, a selection by price or total life cycle costs can be smoothly realized even for configurable products.
The basic program can also be extended by a large range of additional modules in order to enable qualified sizing and configuration of special pump designs, such as magnetic pumps, turbine pumps or side channel pumps.
The perfect tool for different applications
The software solution can be easily integrated into an existing IT environment by using special interfaces. This allows the application to be embedded in an existing environment in order to link the Spaix data with customer and sales-specific data.
Due to the extensive functionality of Spaix 5, the program is suitable for a wide range of applications. Whether pump manufacturers or operators, the software is a highly efficient tool for both target groups when it comes to handling all sizing and sales tasks.
Various license models provide the right system for every purpose
In order to use the program, it is necessary to purchase a server license for Spaix 5 Web or a certain number of user licenses for Spaix 5 Desktop. In addition, it is necessary to license the number of pump records which are supposed to be included in the database.
SaaS is also available : in addition to the standard licensing model for Spaix 5, we are offering service-based subscription model (Spaix as a Service). SaaS gives the costumer the opportunity to use the program for a certain amount of time. The service package is the ideal software and service solution including all licenses, software maintenance and support as well as hosting.