3D Customizable catalog of commercial components. The program contains the dimensional catalogs of the components and guides and controls the user during the three-dimensional modeling of primary and secondary cable trays.
Quick and accurate modeling. Thanks to the powerful modeling and routing tools of ESApro Cable Trays, the cable trays modeling can be easily performed.
Supports module. ESApro Cable Trays Support Module allows the users to create, from the catalog of the clamping elements, the support of the cable trays and automatically generates the bills of material and the construction drawings.
Interference check in real time. The program detects where the cable trays interfere with each other and with pipelines, equipments, structures and, in general, with any other 3D entity present in the model.
Orthographic automatic drawings. The automatic 2D drawing generation tool is one of the strong points in ESApro. Changes made to the 3D model automatically affect the 2D drawings.
Automatic material lists. ESApro Cable Trays automatically generates customizable material lists in Excel and TXT formats.
Compatibility with 3D viewers. ESApro Cable Trays produces intelligent models, navigable with the most common 3D model viewers on the market.
ESApro Cable Routing
Automatic Cable Routing. Once the electrical devices are positioned in the model and the cable list is set, ESApro Cable Routing identifies the shortest path and provides the automatic routing of cables, in compliance with the imposed constraints (filling up percentage of section, compatibility with other types of cables, etc.).
Material Lists. Once the routing of cables completed, the system automatically returns the length for each cable, the total length for each type of cable, the list of the sections for each cable and the number and type of cables for each section.