PASS Team Announces Release of PASS/EQUIP 3.7 PASS Team has recently released a new software version of PASS/EQUIP, comprehensive software for pressure vessels analysis and design. The new software version contains […]
Tag: equip
New Pass Licensing System
Transition to a New Licensing System PASS Team is initiating the transition of its software to a new licensing and anti-piracy protection system. This new system will significantly enhance the […]
Transition to a New Licensing System
PASS Team is pleased to announce the transition of its software to a new licensing and anti-piracy protection system. This new system will significantly enhance the capabilities and user experience […]
PASS/NOZZLE-FEM 3.5 is released
Fluids & Co and PASS Team are pleased to announce release of a new PASS/Nozzle-FEM version, comprehensive engineering software for stresses and flexibility calculation of nozzle-to-shell junctions using the Finite […]
PASS Team Announces Release of PASS/EQUIP 3.6
PASS Team announces release of PASS/EQUIP 3.6, comprehensive software for pressure vessel design and analysis. The 3.6 software version contains new functionality highly demanded by customers, as well as bug fixes. […]
New PASS/EQUIP 3.5 is released
PASS/EQUIP 3.5 contains new calculation capabilities and features, including the following ones: Calculation of non-circular cross-section elements (rectangular, oval, rounded, with partitions) according to ASME VIII-1 App.13. Modeling and analysis […]
New version of PASS/Equip is released
Fluids & Co and PSRE are pleased to announce that PASS/EQUIP 3.3 is released. PASS/Equip 3.3 is available starting from 30 April 2021. New version of PASS/Equip includes a number […]
Vessels analysis and manufacture with PASS/EQUIP
Barth + Höpfinger realized this project with PASS/EQUIP between the end of 2019 and September 2020. Company Profile Barth + Höpfinger is a German company with 100 years of history […]
New version of PASS/EQUIP now available.
Fluids & Co and PSRE Сo are pleased to announce that PASS/EQUIP Vessels 3.2 is released. The new software version contains significant enhancements, such as new features and new calculation […]
On 28th May 2020, PASS Team presented PASS/EQUIP, comprehensive software for structural pressure vessels analysis. During the webinar, PASS Team highlighted the main software capabilities and new features which will […]